Benefits of Korea Eyelash Extension Glue. LAETITIA is exceptional.


We imagined a question.

If you say, 'Everyone in the world can make a great product, but what is it that makes LAETITIA different from them?'

If you ask us this question, you probably already know that not only us, but all products around the world have their own wonderful and colorful assortment.

However, if there is something that is unique to us, that is, something that is ours and must be us, it is that ‘considering the enrichment of the customer’s mind first’ is our company’s motto and core philosophy.

Do you know the story of Masaru Emoto’s ‘Crystal of Water’? Although it is pseudo-science, the world we live in is full of mysterious things that have not yet been scientifically discovered.

According to him, ‘Water is influenced by thoughts and emotions.’ ‘Water has memory’. ‘Water has consciousness’.It is said.

In addition, there are countless other things that have not yet been scientifically identified and are still being studied.

However, the only thing we can know for certain is that whether visible or invisible, everything in our world is made up of 'energy'. Even the ‘stones’ we commonly see are made of energy.

And Albert Einstein said: 'Logic will get you from A to Z, Imagination will get you everywhere'.

As such, no matter how good the technology is in a chemical product, energy exists in all substances, so our technology and the spirit of LAETITIA, which contains that heart, are necessarily different.